TWO POINT: CAMPUS Medical School DLC game review (15) (age rating 3+)
TWO POINT: CAMPUS Medical School DLC game review (15) (age rating 3+)
Hi guys! Ya girl is back!!! I took a little break from game reviews as my author deadlines kinda took over, and I’m happy to say that Book 2 in my UMBRA TALES trilogy is out! Mia and the Traitor of Nubis! Available to buy now at Waterstones, your local bookshop and Amazon!
P.S Apologises for the resolution, not sure what’s going on, but since I updated my website it’s been weird!
Now without further ado, onto the review!

Wanna run your own medical school!?!
I’ve said it before but Two Point: Campus is a hidden gem of a game and I’ve had so much fun playing it and all the DLCs. It’s such a wholesome, funny and goofy game that I recommend everyone play it at least once.
The latest DLC: Medical School was definitely not a disappointment too.
Thank you Nataly and SEGA once again for the review code!!
So, what’s Two Point: Campus about?
To give a brief reminder again, Two Point: Campus is a business management simulation game from the creators of Two Point: Hospital, Two Point Studios and published by SEGA.
The goal of the game is to rejuvenate and create new campuses across the Two Point world, turning them into successful facilities for students and staff to work and attend. Managing an array of school courses from Space exhibition, to medieval duelling and now to Medical School!
You manage and shape the lives of both students and teachers, and expand the world of your campus through new courses, facilities, buildings and more.
You can also read my very first review on Two Point: Campus for more info!

Building your dream Medical campus
For the Medical School DLC there are 3 new campus locations (levels): Lake Tumble, Molten Rock, Pointy Peak.
There’s a lot of new features in the DLC which keeps the game feeling fresh, whilst also bringing back some beloved features from previous DLCs. So I won’t spoil some minor information about the other maps, like the courses and such, I’ll mainly be focusing on the first map you unlock: Lake Tumble. In order to unlock the other maps, you must first achieve a 1 star rating in the campus.

Emergency! Emergency!
The first new notable feature in the DLC is Patient Treatments!
As you run new medical courses at your campus (Medical School and Nursing in Lake Tumble), patients will visit your campus to receive treatment and it’s down to YOU to make sure you have the right equipment, staff and rooms ready to help.
There are three types of treatment rooms in the beginning associated with the two new courses in order to help patients: Psychiatry, Ward, and Head Clinic. All three rooms are required at some point to help treat a wide range of patients as and when they come in. The more you progress in missions and ensure the overall rating of your campus is high, the more you’ll be able to improve the equipment and train your staff and students to perform better.
As well as that, another new feature in the Medical School DLC is students skipping class!
So, students who are studying medical courses won’t attend ‘classes’ per say. Instead, they go to patient treatment sessions, where they actually work alongside the teachers to cure patients. Which is pretty cool in my opinion.

Keep an eye on stats!!
Following on from skipping classes, another new feature to keep an eye on is the “percentage of curing patients” that you’ll see on the right side of your screen.
This scale will let you know how likely your staff and students will be able to cure patients when they come in, so you’ll definitely want to make sure that it stays well above 50%. Patients won’t make it to treatment if they run too low on health or happiness whilst they’re on the campus.
To improve their mood, and have your students get better grades, you can upgrade equipment, train teachers, and support your courses with assignment materials, which you sometimes have to buy with the kudosh tokens, which are earned through achievements.

As you’re a medical campus, naturally there’ll be big patient emergencies too that you’ll need to cure and sort out! This is where Two Point Campus’s goofy side comes out again and I’m so here for it!
So, during the academic year, sometimes you’ll get messages and alerts about a big mass emergency with a lot of patients influxing the campus that you’ll be asked to sort out, which normally requires you to hit a target to pass. For example, curing at least 3 out of 7 patients.
Now the emergency illnesses had me cracking up multiple times, and for those who have played Two Point Hospital, you may see a few familiar illnesses.
One of them was a “screw head issue” in which people with light bulb for heads come to your campus in need of literally having their head screwed back on at the Head clinic.
At first I thought it was a weird bug or glitch because some of the patients had a bright yellow head with no face, only to realise they had lightbulbs for heads! I literally burst into laughter watching my teachers and students use a machine to help screw on patients’ light bulb heads. Too funny!

Fire fire!
Another great additional feature in the DLC are the fire emergencies that can happen during the academic year.
Medical equipment can catch fire if their maintenance becomes too low and janitors play a much bigger role. You’ll have to make sure you hire ones that are qualified in “Fire Resistance” to take on the fires and sometimes multiple can happen at one time, so to prevent lots of fires from happening, it’s important to keep the machinery maintained, especially on a certain map. 👀
And if you don’t get to the fires in time the equipment explodes and there can be collateral damage as a result and a VERY messy treatment room that you’ll have to clean up.

Following on from janitors being important, ghost captures have returned in the Medical School DLC too!
If a patient’s treatment is unsuccessful, there’s a chance you might have to call ghostbusters as some might become ghosts and start haunting the campus!
In order to put a stop to their mischievous ways, you have to capture them by hiring or training a janitor in “Ghost Capture”. If you don’t and you let the ghosts roam the ground they may scare your staff and students, leaving an entire mess in their wake that you’ll have to clean up too. This DLC definitely keeps you on your toes.
Like I said, Janitors definitely play a big role in the DLC, but the only small negative is that it did at times become a bit much the more I played. I often found myself having to manually drag janitors to certain locations to do their job because they literally wouldn’t pick up litter unless I dragged them over to it and forced them to pick it up. Usually when I clicked the object for them to fix, it would be okay, but it was mainly the litter and cleaning up the mess of an explosion that I had to constantly make them clean it.
However, it wasn’t that much of an issue, but something still worth noting.

Two Point Campus: Medical School is a brilliant new DLC addition that got me back into Two Point Campus. I’m constantly impressed with every new DLC that Two Point Studio and SEGA bring out. Whenever I play it, hours will suddenly pass by as you get lost in the magic of the game.
I thoroughly enjoyed the base game and all of the DLCs so far, but I think Medical School actually takes the biscuit as my favorite DLC! I’m really looking forward to seeing where Two Point Studio takes this game next because they always knock it outta the park with their DLCs.
Thank you once again to superstar Nataly for the review code!! I wouldn’t have discovered Two Point Campus at all without her and it is one of my favourite wholesome games in the world.
Two Point: Campus Medical School is officially out Thursday 17th August 2023!
Platform(s): PC, Sony PlayStation® 4|5, Microsoft® Xbox One and Xbox Series X|S,
Nintendo Switch.
Highly Recommend!