The epic sequel to the acclaimed Mia and the Lightcasters! The Elite are imprisoned, the Reaper King is once again banished from the world and the city of Nubis is trying to return to normal. So is Mia, but it’s not so easy. Coming to terms with new powers and being the tamer of two umbra, she’s also plagued by nightmares.
The amazing US sequel to Umbra Tales: The Lightcasters
Mia grapples with the responsibility of her new powers and uncovers even more of Nubis’s secrets in this thrilling second book in the Umbra Tales middle grade series that’s Keeper of the Lost Cities meets The Golden Compass.
Mia ist in Nubis, einer Stadt in völliger Dunkelheit, aufgewachsen. Wie fast alle Städte im Königreich Lunis wurde auch ihre Heimat vom sagenumwobenen König der Finsternis in ewige Nacht gestürzt. Nur mit Hilfe der Umbra, gestaltwandelnden Fabelwesen mit magischen Kräften, können die Bewohner die Finsternis unter Kontrolle halten und die Stadt schützen….
Keeper of the Lost Cities meets Pokémon in this riveting first book in a middle grade series about a girl who embarks on a treacherous journey with her little brother and her mystical animal companions to save her family—and the entire kingdom.
Beware of the shadows, the Reaper King is coming . . . For fans of Amari and the Night Brothers, The Legend of Podkin One-Ear and Nevermoor, this is the first in the sensational Umbra Tales series, illustrated by Ana Latese.